Our Stories

The oral histories that you will hear deal with personal, sensitive, and upsetting situations. Every attempt was made to be respectful of those brave enough to share their lives with you. Please take the time to honor their courage.

Featuring the powerful personal stories of survivors of eugenics and newgenics, these video narratives cross between eugenics past and present; all videos are closed captioned.


As a young mother, Candace is all too aware of the types of assumptions that people make about parents with intellectual disabilities. Candace had to fight a hard-won battle to be able to raise her daughter. She also knows the pain of losing a child: her son was apprehended at an early age. This time around Candace is raising her daughter with the assistance of her family and her support team. This has allowed Candace to expand her life in surprising ways, connecting with other young mothers, and exploring the idea of working to improve her family’s financial position.

-Nicola Fairbrother